“I realized that it’s not connected to the wall, which seems a little strange. “It was weird, because I don’t have a vent that I know of in there that blows cold air.” Eventually she noticed that the draft was coming from the mirror over the sink. This past weekend, when she came back from a hiking trip, she noticed that her bathroom was really cold. The story is not so simple as an unpatched hole inadvertently giving access to a vacant unit next door as Hartsoe tells us, even her building’s management isn’t quite sure what is going on. But we still had questions even after the finale dropped this morning, so we tracked down Hartsoe, who shares her three-bedroom (plus the mystery extra space) apartment on Roosevelt Island with two roommates.
Hartsoe documented her finding and exploring the mirror unit in a four-part video series on TikTok that went viral today. Photo: if a New York City renter’s life weren’t already intimidating enough - what with the rats coming out of the drains and rat skeletons raining from the ceiling, not to mention new varieties of slumlords - 26-year-old Samantha Hartsoe experienced a whole new freaky tenant story when she found an entire apartment accessible through a hole hidden behind her bathroom mirror.